Booktown cafe

This is a lovely oasis in Lilleputthammer. Relax and enjoy yourself and let the impressions sink. Here is a varied coffee menu for long and good summer days. Welcome to us!
This is a lovely oasis in Lilleputthammer. Relax and enjoy yourself and let the impressions sink. Here is a varied coffee menu for long and good summer days. Welcome to us!

Close by you will find Childrens Booktown. Every day throughout the summer there are fun reading lessons and exciting activities. This is a lovely oasis in Lilleputthammer. Relax and enjoy yourself and let the impressions sink. Here is a varied coffee menu for long and good summer days. Welcome to us!

Five miniature, charming wooden houses filled with exciting books and fun magazines is what the Children’s Book town is all about. Here you can uncover exciting books about master detectives, colourful picture-books for the little ones, hobby books, travel accounts, comic strips and plenty more. Perhaps you will discover the perfect find among the many old and new treasures.

Our Book town is not simply a house with ”dead paper things” in the shelves -- there are also plenty of activities going on at this site, such as short plays and readings for kids on a daily basis.
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