Sørlia Hafjell
Hafjell Alpinlandsby
Gaiastova leiligheter
Nordlia leilighet

Apartments in Hafjell

Our Apartments at Solsiden, Nordlia, Sørlia, Alpinlandsbyen and Jaertunet are perfectly located close to the Hafjell Bike Park and Gondola in Hafjell. From the Apartments you have nice view of Gudbrandsdalen valley. If you want to stay on the top of Hafjell we have Apartments at Gaiastova. Perfect location for mountain rambling.

We want to make your stay easier for those who book at Hafjell Resort. You will find you on arrival in our apartments the following: Some coffee filters, salt and pepper, dishwashing detergent, dishwashing brush, cup towel, towel for bench and floor, dishwasher detergent. In addition, there is a toilet roll per toilet / WC.

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