Butikker i Hafjell
Øyer kommune
Spar Hafjell med apotek
Spar Hafjell
Coop Hafjell
Coop Hafjell
Kiwi Hafjell
Sportsbutikk og vinmonopol
Jåleriet Hafjell
Skibua Hafjell
Putten i Hafjell
Øyer bibliotek
Hafjell Pizza
Gaia butikk
Hafjell Sport
Hafjell skiutleie

Shopping in Hafjell

Opening hours supermarkets in Hafjell


Monday - saturday 07:00 - 23.00
Sunday 09.00 - 21.00

Opening hours may change due to season.

Hafjell and Øyer village has a good selection of food stores. The supermarkets stores are represented by the Spar, Coop and Kiwi chains. All three supermarket stores are also open on Sundays. 

In addition Hafjell have more specialized stores such as sports shops, liquor and wine store and pharmacy. In the center of Hafjell you will also find the emergency room and doctor's office.  

Doctor office

The Lillehammer inter-municipal medical office is a collaboration between the municipalities of Lillehammer, Gausdal, Øyer, Ringebu, Sør-Fron, Nord-Fron and northern Ringsaker (Sør- and Nord-Fron only at night). You will find emergency services in connection with the Hospital Inland Lillehammer. For acute illness and injuries, the Medical Office is open weekdays from 16 - 08 and all day during weekends and holidays.

Butikker og handel i Hafjell og Lillehammer

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