Advent på Aulestad

Aulestad artist home

Welcome to beautiful Aulestad - one of Norway's best preserved artist homes. Guided tours in the home several times each day during summer season. In the Drengestua café you can enjoy a nice meal.  Aulestad can be visited from late May to the end of August. 

The author Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832-1910) holds a prominent place in the hearts of Norwegians, primarily because he wrote the poem that later became the Norwegian national anthem in addition to many other poems and stories. He published his first novel «Synnøve Solbakken» in 1857. In this and many other novels he told the story of the lives of ordinary people, partly rendered in an everyday language based on the vernacular of the region, which was unusual among his contemporary writers. 

His historic and realistic plays have been staged to this day.
Early in the summer of 1875 the Bjørnsons moved to their new home at the Aulestad farm, a former posting inn in Gausdal. During the last two decades of the 19th century, with Aulestad as his vantage point, Mr. Bjørnson played an important part in literary, cultural and political life. He took an active stand in questions concerning human rights internationally. In 1903 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature

After the death of his widow, Mrs. Karoline in 1934, their home was turned over to the state and opened to the public as a museum during the summer months. Time has been stopped at Aulestad to give visitors an opportunity to experience the house and its beautiful garden as the authentic setting of the last part of Mr. Bjørnson’s authorship.

Aulestad museum

Aulestad is beautifully located on the sunny side of Gausdal approximately 20 kilometres from Lillehammer. Experience the farm as it was when Karoline and Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson lived there, and get a look into their lives during an important time in Norwegian history.

“The best in life is not peace, but wanting to do something” - Bjørnson  lived like the line in his poem. He spoke up for freedom and fairness - at home in Norway and in Europe, The word and his pen were his weapons. He was a builder of the nation and a Nobel laureate.

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson wrote stories, novels, historical plays and contemporary drama and approximately 400 poems that have inspired many musicians. He wrote thousands of letters, speeches and articles.

Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson lived at Aulestad from 1875 until his death in 1910. 

Opening hours

21 May - 31 August
Opening hours
Every day from 10 - 17. Guided tour in English at request.

Opening hours
Saturday and Sunday 11.00–16.00.

Address Aulestad

Aulestadvegen 6-14, 2656 Follebu
Phone: +47 61 28 89 00
Email: [email protected]

Aulestad ist eine gut bewahrte, autentisches Dichterheim, aus dem Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts und liegt in Follebu, etwa 18 Kilometer von Lillehammer. Der Artikelverfasser, Dichter, Politiker und Volksredner Björnstjerne Björnson beschreibt die Vielfalt dieser Person. Mit seinen andnähernd 30.000 Briefen und 60.000 Artikel, Vorträgen und Reden, neben seiner Tätigkeit als Dichter, machen ihn zum meistproduzierenden Verfasser seiner Art in Norwegen. Björson galt seiner Zeit als große Kulturpersönlichkeit innerhalb des kulturellen und politischen Lebens. Für ihn war nichts zu klein und nichts zu groß. Aulestad erreichen Sie auf der Strasse 255 in Richtung Segalstad Bru und Gausdal von Lilehammer kommend. Tip: Wenn Sie schon gleich hier sind machen Sie doch einen Ausflug nach Gausdal / Skeikampen. Von hier aus haben Sie eine phantastische Aussicht über das Gudbrandsdal und können Natur hautnah erleben. Hier beginnt auch der bekannte Peer Gynt Weg, der unter anderem über Vinstra geht. Eine willkommende Abwechslung auf einer Nebenstrecke zur E6. Es lohnt sich !